2021年2月 Grants and Contracts

We are pleased to share the success of 菠菜网lol正规平台's principal investigators who were awarded grants and contracts during 2021年2月:

13 奖 Received: Valued at $2,011,387

康妮L. 卢里教育学院

艾伦Middaugh,孩子 & 青少年发展
Y-Plan San José Initiative Grant
赞助商: 加州大学伯克利分校——1万美元

查尔斯W. Davidson College of 工程

Saeid Bashash and 穆罕默德Badawy, 机械工程
研究和 Testing of Solar Power Integration with Second-Life Batteries in Grid 相关系统
赞助商: RePurpose能源公司. – $99,999

CAREER: Understanding and Modeling of Cryogenic Semiconductor Device Physics down to 4.2K
赞助商: National 科学 Foundation – $407,179


Impacts of Changing Sea-Ice on Arctic Ocean Biology
赞助商: Jet Propulsion Laboratory – $43,741

菠菜网lol正规平台RF/MLML - Aquaculture Services
赞助商: Elkhorn Slough Foundation – $31,753

迈克尔·J. 考夫曼、物理 & 天文学
Using the Astronomical Infrared Bands as Calibrated Probes of Astrophysical Conditions 与NASA艾姆斯PAH IR合作
赞助商: NASA: 13.3万美元

Efficient Recovery of Rare Earth using Methylobacterium Extorquens
赞助商: 加州大学伯克利分校:125,785美元

朱莉年代. 斯皮策、数学 & 统计数据
Just in Time: Online Mathematics Professional Development
赞助商: 加州大学洛杉矶分校:30,716美元


Cultivating a Community-Owned Vision for East San José Neighborhoods
赞助商: Open Space Authority of SC Valley – $160,000

凯瑟琳·高·库欣, Richard Kos, and Jason Su、环境研究
Cultivating a Community-Owned Vision for East San José Neighborhoods (Alum Rock)
赞助商: 圣何塞市——5.3万美元

肖恩·P. Laraway、心理学
Test Subject Recruitment Office – Task 1
赞助商: ASRC联邦- 126,384美元

Human Systems Integration: Collaborative Human Factors Research to Improve the 安全, Efficiency, and Reliability of NASA's Aeronautics and Space Missions
赞助商: NASA: 764,829美元

苏珊·M. Snycerski、心理学
Future Vertical Lift: Collaborative Research on 飞行控制, Autonomous Rotorcraft, and Human-Systems Interface Design
赞助商: NASA - 25000美元